Insurance & Risk Management for Sports Facilities


If you own or operate a sports facility, then there are numerous risks associated with it. Each risk needs to be assessed and managed with a risk management strategy, and you should be protected from those risks coming to pass through the right insurance cover. So what are the risks associated across a broad range of sports facilities, what cover is available for it, and what should you be including in your risk management strategy?

Insurance Made Personal

Buildings and Equipment Protection


Property damage and loss is one of the many areas of risk that require management. If you’re operating a sports facility, there are many things that can easily be damaged by a member of the public if it’s used improperly or deliberately broken. And even sometimes, pieces of equipment break by accident.


As the owner or operator of the venue, it can be costly to keep on replacing pieces of equipment, and if a building gets damaged, either through human means or weather damage, it can be costly to repair. It’s why insurance is sought for both the building itself and the equipment and facilities inside of it, as both are required to run a successful sporting venue.

Public Liability


If you have a sports facility that is open to the public such as a leisure centre, swimming pool or a gym, then it’s very likely that ordinary members of the public will be using your facilities. If they’re taking part in sport then there’s an injury risk, and you’d want to make sure that a result of any injury isn’t caused by the facility itself, either through the provision of faulty equipment or through poorly-maintained fixtures and fittings.


In addition to this, it’s likely that you’ll welcome in many members of the public who aren’t competing but merely spectating – likely friends and family of those taking part in the activities. Sports venues have as much a duty of care to manage the risks associated with them as they do the competitors. Many of this will fall into general venue maintenance and risk management, ensuring that slips, trips and falls are reduced, and any hazards are reduced or eliminated entirely, making spectating a safe endeavour for visitors.

Forced Closure and Loss of Income


If you’ve had to close for whatever reason – be it closing for repairs, cleaning, maintenance or another reason – it means your sports facility can’t make money. If you have to close an area for a while, or are having to shut down operations completely for an extended period, you can have loss of income cover in place to financially protect you in the event of a forced temporary closure.

How The Yorkshire Broker Can Help


You can work with The Yorkshire Broker to help create a suitable policy for your facility. Whether it’s a large football stadium or a small local gym, every facility is going to have its own unique challenges and risks that need to be managed.


We can work with you to create an insurance policy and risk management strategy which covers all the areas you need it to, having a tailored policy which doesn’t pinch or sag in the right areas.


You can follow guides to ensure that your venues are safe, and by following approved schemes, it gives you a better chance of proving to an insurer that the facility is safe and the risks are minimised, and is the perfect accompaniment to a detailed risk management strategy.

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