The popularity of Range Rovers as a target for criminals means that insurers will only offer high premiums if you’re looking to insure your Range Rover. Insurers are also reluctant to insure Range Rovers in London, considering it’s a built-up area, theft is a regular occurrence and on-street parking is common for many residential areas. Insurers will either charge high premiums, or they will refuse to offer cover altogether.
For example, a study by Autocar found that for a Range Rover SV P510E, costing just under £210,000, the quotes ranged from £4350 to just under £6000, with a £1250 excess. For similarly valued cars, such as the Bently Bentayga, the quotes were around £2000 with £1250 excess.
Sometimes, if you can’t find the insurance premium you’re looking for from a private provider, you might look to go to the manufacturer instead. However, in this case, insuring your Land Rover in London isn’t possible, as the manufacturer is refusing to cover their vehicles in the city.